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1998 WGI Championship Scores

The scores were last updated on Saturday, April 18, 1998

Independent A Pre-Lims   |   Independent A Semis
Scholastic A Pre-Lims   |   Scholastic A Semis
Independent Open Pre-Lims   |   Scholastic Open Pre-Lims   |   Scholastic Open Semis
Independent World Class Pre-Lims   |   Scholastic World Class Pre-Lims
Percussion Pre-Lims   |   Individuals Results   |   WGI Finals Scores

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Thursday/Friday April 16-17th

WGI Championships - Dayton, OH

Results for the WGI Independent A Championship Pre-Lims
(Scores in Order of Performance)

Independent A Prelim Rounds
Thursday April 16 - 8:30 AM
Nutter Center

Nolan Catholic .................. 90.3
St. Catherine's Townies ........  91.2
Polaris ......................... 87.2
Shaktai West .................... 85.6
Kismet .........................  80.7
The Alliance of Miami "A" ......  84.0
Signature Color Guard ..........  81.1
Velocity Winter Guard ..........  76.1
Rhapsody Winterguard ...........  77.8
Encore .........................  84.3
Esperanza de Luz ...............  82.0
Madison Winter Guard ...........  78.2

Infiniti Winterguard ...........  92.2
Sonnor .........................  91.4
Sailorettes ....................  87.7
Innuendo Winter Guard ..........  79.8
Dreamscape .....................  73.6
Matrix Independent Color Guard .  84.2
SkyRyders ......................  81.8
Effervesence ...................  75.7
Xpress .........................  74.5
Northernaires ..................  72.2
Trilogy Visual Ensemble  -  scratched
Millenia .......................  79.4

Solution Performance Ensemble ..  92.3
St. Ann's "A" ..................  92.8
Shenendehowa Varsity Color Guard  87.9
Cardinal Gibbons "Resurrection"   85.4
Aventuriers of Charlesbourg ....  79.8
Paradigm .......................  82.1
Sybel Color Guard ..............  80.7
Harmony ........................  76.0
Knightbeat .....................  82.1
Genesee Quest Winter Guard .....  76.5
Masquerade .....................  72.5

Independent A Prelim Rounds
Thursday April 16 - 8:30 AM
Vandalia-Butler High School

The Lakota .....................  86.2
Les Etoiles d'Or de Laval ......  85.1
Interplay ......................  84.1
Dominion .......................  80.8
Images Youth Ensemble    -  scratched
Spectra "A" ....................  73.0
First Flight Winter Guard ......  80.4
Amethyst .......................  80.0
Collage ........................  77.6
Backstage at Florida State .....  74.2
Xodus Color Guard        -  scratched
Men With a Vision ..............  77.6

Alter Ego ......................  89.0
Mystique .......................  87.2
Bravo ..........................  86.4
Steperettes Color Guard ........  80.9
The Pride Winter Guard .........  81.0
Synergy ........................  76.3
Royal Blue .....................  77.1
Freelancers First Works ........  78.1
Dark Horizons Indoor Guard .....  75.6
The New Edition ................  74.6
Top Hats Performance Ensemble ..  77.7
Incognito ......................  68.7

St. John's ....................  88.3
Tapestry ......................  88.5
Art 101 .......................  85.7
Beyond ........................  82.4
Revelation ....................  80.1
Q.E.D.  .......................  76.9
Automation Color Guard ........  80.1
Ventura Color Guard ...........  82.3
Independence ..................  83.0 
Juxtaposition .................  81.4
Sheffield Area Eclipse  -  scratched

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Results from WGI Independent A Championship Semi-Finals

Independent A Class Semi Final Rounds
Thursday April 16 - 6:00 PM   University of Dayton Arena

Solution ....................  92.55
Lakota ......................  90.10
Infinity ....................  89.85
Mystique ....................  88.60
Interplay ...................  87.00
Polaris .....................  86.15
Steperettes .................  83.60
Cardinal Gibbons ............  82.65
The Pride ...................  82.25
1st Flight ..................  82.10

St. Catherine's .............  90.80
Tapestry ....................  91.70
St. John ....................  91.05
Nolan Catholic ..............  93.05
Sailorettes .................  87.75
Art 101 .....................  88.10
Dominion ....................  84.60
Independence ................  87.65
Encore ......................  83.85
Knightbeat ..................  82.65
Sky Ryders ..................  82.65
St. Ann .....................  92.10
Alter Ego ...................  91.45
Sonnor ......................  90.45
Les Etoiles .................  90.15
Shenendehowa ................  86.75
Shaktai .....................  86.35
Bravo .......................  86.20
Beyond ......................  85.10
Matrix ......................  82.70
Paradigm ....................  82.25

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Here are the results from WGI Scholastic A Championship Pre-Lims

Scholastic A Prelim Rounds
Thursday April 16 - 4:15 PM
Centerville High School

Carroll HS Winter Guard ......  94.6
Nease HS Winterguard .........  89.2
West HS Color Guard ..........  87.0
Springboro High School .......  87.7
Homestead HS Winter Guard ....  85.0
Bear Creek HS Winterguard ....  82.9
Crestview HS Winterguard .....  87.9
Northwestern High School .....  77.8
Marquette HS Color Guard .....  84.2
Eaglecrest HS Winter Guard ...  74.1
Clear Brook HS "B" ...........  72.6
Yorktown HS "Revolution" .....  77.2
West Union HS Color Guard ....  69.8
Northwest Guilford HS ......... 80.3

Eastridge HS Winter Guard ....  94.6
Soddy Daisy HS Winter Guard ..  92.1
Johansen HS Winter Guard .....  90.4
Edgewood HS Winter Guard .....  86.1
West Carrollton HS Color Guard  91.6
Thomas Worthington High School  84.3
Thousand Oaks HS "Jade Guard"   80.9
James Madison HS "Virtuosity"   75.2
South Oldham HS Winter Guard .  80.3
Ellison HS "Excalibur" .......  81.3
Granada Hills HS Varsity WG ..  81.5
Dennis-Yarmouth Odyssey - scratched
Colerain HS ..................  87.1
Cooper City HS "B" ...........  80.7

Monacan HS Winter Guard ......  94.5
Franklin Central High School .  93.0
Royal HS "Varsity Dance Guard"  85.6
No. Tonawanda HS "Simplicity"   85.5
Arlington High School ........  85.7
Lebanon HS Winter Guard ......  81.5
Lower Dauphin HS Color Guard .  82.1
Danbury HS Winter Guard ......  82.6
Ramsey High School "Velocity"   81.9
Mt. Diablo HS "Red Devils" ...  87.9
Cookeville High School .......  80.0
Norwood HS Winter Guard ......  76.6
Clear Brook HS Visual Ensemble  79.4

Scholastic A Prelim Rounds
Thursday April 16 - 4:15 PM
Nutter Center

Rancho Bernardo High School ....  92.0
Lowell HS Winter Guard .........  91.2
Hinsdale Central HS "Headliners"  90.4
King Philip Reg. HS Winter Guard  88.8
Trabuco Hills HS Color Guard ...  89.8
Greater Johnstown HS "Essay" ...  84.7
Woodbridge HS "A" ..............  80.6
Johnstown HS "Amethyst Gold" ...  80.9
Arcadia HS Auxiliary Guard .....  87.7
Stranahan HS Color Guard .......  81.4
Whitnall HS Winter Guard .......  81.0
Maumee HS Winter Guard .........  70.9
Westerville North HS Color Guard  79.5
Salem High School ..............  77.5

Gates Chili High School ........  91.8
Lake Mary High School ..........  94.2
Ferndale HS "Utopia" ...........  90.9
Walton High School .............  88.9
Chambersburg HS Winter Guard ...  90.3
Norristown HS "Eagle Guard" ....  86.0
Palos-Verdes Peninsula HS ......  81.0
Seneca Twp. HS "Irish Guard" ...  76.8
Badin High School ..............  70.8
Sahuaro HS Winter Guard ........  76.8
Providence HS Color Guard - scratched
Mt. Juliet HS Winter Guard .....  83.5
Tahoma High School "A"   -  scratched
Le-Sueur Henderson Valley Pride   78.4

Ferndale HS Performance Ensemble  93.7
Catoosa HS Winter Guard ........  91.2
Athens Drive HS Indoor Guard ...  90.4
North Putnam HS Winter Guard ...  91.3
Lake Park High School ..........  88.0
Baldwinsville HS Winter Guard ..  83.8
Harrison Central HS "Korkoma" ..  81.6
Seminole HS Winter Guard .......  84.1
Lexington HS "Gold Rush" .......  77.5
The Woodlands High School ......  82.5
Arvada HS "Reds" ...............  77.6
Southern Lehigh HS "Motion" ....  80.0
Whiteland HS Color Guard .......  78.0
Thomas Jefferson HS "Elite" ....  78.5

Scholastic A Prelim Rounds
Thursday April 16 - 4:15 PM   Vandalia-Butler High School

East Lake HS Winter Guard ......  92.5
Loara High School ..............  89.2
Chesaning HS "Premier" .........  88.1
Escambia HS "Donatar" ..........  87.4
St. Augustine HS "Coast One A" .  90.3
Spartanburg HS "Scholastic" ....  83.2
Piper High School ..............  84.5
Barrington HS Winter Guard .....  76.8
Gainesville "Centerstage" - scratched
Trumansburg High School ........  77.0
New Philadelphia HS Kaleidoscope  82.7
Vista HS Jr. Varsity ...........  79.8
Central-Carroll HS Winter Guard   80.4
Rangeview HS Color Guard .......  75.4

Valley  View High School .......  92.6
John I. Leonard HS Winter Guard   91.9
A. L. Brown HS "Fascination" ...  88.7
Redlands High School ...........  85.3
Alfred Bonnabel HS "Lagniappe" .  83.2
Northside Christian Entheos-scratched
Naples HS Winter Guard .........  81.3
Wadsworth High School ..........  78.3
Archbishop Ryan HS Dansemble ...  83.3
McKeesport HS "Impressions" ....  79.0
Chantilly HS Indoor Guard ......  80.6
Elizabethtown High School ......  84.7
Concord High School ............  81.1
Westerville South HS Color Guard  82.8
Kettering Fairmont High School .  93.2
Vista High School "Varsity" ....  91.7
McLean HS Performance Art Ensem   85.9
Wolfson HS "Moshun" ............  87.6
Christian County HS Winter Guard  85.2
Jefferson HS Performance Ensem .  86.4
Troy Athens HS "Alias" .........  83.7
Mater Dei HS Winter Guard "A" ..  80.3
Milford High School ............  85.1
Union Endicott High School .....  84.5
Powhatan HS Winterguard ........  77.4
Hanford HS Color Guard .........  74.6
Bellbrook HS Color Guard .......  84.1
Mustang HS "Epic Vision" .......  78.0

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Results from WGI Scholastic A Championship Semi-Finals

Scholastic A Class Semi Final Rounds
Friday April 17 - 8:30 AM   Hara Arena

Eastridge HS ............  93.90
East Lake HS ............  91.95
Lake Mary HS ............  92.40
Nease HS ................  90.45
J. Leonard HS ...........  88.60
St. Augustine HS ........  89.80
Mt. Diablo HS ...........  85.80
AL Brown HS .............  84.20
Hinsdale HS .............  85.65
Springboro HS ...........  88.05
Arlington HS ............  85.50
Trabuco HS ..............  88.45
West HS .................  84.85
Escambia HS .............  85.35
Royal HS ................  83.75

Carroll HS ..............  95.60
Monacan HS ..............  94.90
Kettering HS ............  94.30
Gates HS ................  91.90
Soddy-Daisy HS ..........  92.45
North Putnam HS .........  90.00
Wolfson HS ..............  87.30
Loara HS ................  88.60
Ferndale HS (MI) ........  89.50
Chesaning HS ............  87.15
Redlands HS .............  84.20
Johansen HS .............  87.05
McLean HS ...............  87.45
Walton HS ...............  85.85
Elizabethtown HS ........  83.30
Ferndale HS (WA) ........  93.40
Rancho Bernardo HS ......  94.05
Valley View HS ..........  90.60
Vista HS ................  92.65
Franklin Central HS .....  91.85
Lowell HS ...............  88.05
Crestview HS ............  86.45
West Carrollton HS ......  88.50
Catoosa HS ..............  88.40
Athens HS ...............  85.95
Jefferson HS ............  85.00
Chambersburg HS .........  88.20
Colerain HS .............  83.05
King Philip HS ..........  86.85
Lake Park HS ............  84.75

Results from WGI Independent OPEN Championship Pre-Lims

Independent OPEN Prelim Rounds
Friday April 17 - 8:00 AM   University of Dayton Arena

St. John's Productions .......  89.30
Golden Sabers ................  90.00
Karizma ......................  88.85
Solution Performance Ensemble   94.05
Onyx .........................  86.35
Axxis ........................  91.95
The Buccaneers ...............  84.40
Black Watch ..................  84.25
Speakeasy ....................  82.50
St. Ann's Open ...............  89.45
Patriots .....................  97.35
Reunion Winter Guard .........  84.90
Every-Body ...................  84.95
San Jose Raiders .............  92.65
Avilaros of Boston ...........  92.20  
Mayflower ....................  81.25
Multivision ..................  77.05
Mandarins ....................  82.75
Royal Guard ..................  77.75
Millennia ....................  82.10
Black Gold Winter Guard ......  77.60
The Light Brigade ............  76.05
Citation Winter Guard ........  75.30
Guardsmen ....................  79.40
Heritage Winterguard .........  80.40
Retrospect Productions .......  79.60

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Results from WGI Scholastic OPEN Championship Pre-Lims

Scholastic OPEN Prelim Rounds
Friday April 17 - 8:00 AM   Vandalia Butler High School

Kings HS Winter Guard ..........  91.6
Palm Desert High School ........  89.3
G. Holmes Braddock HS "Open" ...  89.9
Northglenn HS Winter Guard .....  88.3
Chesterton HS "Les Troyennes" ..  84.7
Cooper City HS Performance Ensem  84.6
Woodbridge HS "Open" ...........  85.7
Spruce Creek HS "Open" .........  81.4
Redwood HS Winter Guard ........  82.9
Owen Valley HS "Patriot Guard" .  76.1
Hoover HS Winter Guard .........  76.7
Perry Meridian HS Guard  -  scratched
Danville HS Winter Guard .......  74.5
Francis Howell North High School  73.0
Haddon Heights HS "High Voltage"  83.8

Mission Viejo HS "Open" Guard ..  93.0
Pomona High School .............  89.3
Tarpon Springs HS Perf. Ensem ..  89.7
M. Stoneman Douglas Visual Ens..  88.8
Thousand Oaks HS Emerald Guard .  88.2
Upper Darby HS Winter Ensemble .  81.0
Trumbull HS Winter Guard .......  84.7
Normal Community HS "Images" ...  82.9
Cleveland HS Color Guard .......  74.0
Marian Catholic HS Winter Guard   84.8
Ayala HS Winter Guard ..........  87.8
Avon HS Winter Guard ...........  84.1
Coatesville HS "Steel Spirit" ..  79.7
Riverview Gardens HS     -  scratched
Triton HS "Free Spirit" ........  78.6
South Brunswick HS Vis Ensem ...  91.9
Orange Park HS "Anastasia" .....  88.9
Norwalk High School ............  87.6
Chino HS "Open" Guard ..........  88.3
Ponderosa HS Winter Guard ......  84.5
New Palestine HS "Crimson Guard"  86.3
John F. Kennedy HS Color Guard .  79.9
Anderson Highland HS Guard .....  78.8
Broken Arrow HS Winter Guard ...  84.1
Bradley Central HS "Exit 25" ...  83.3
Delaware Valley HS "Eeclypse" ..  79.4
East Side HS Winter Guard ......  72.7
Cicero-N. Syracuse "Northstars"   83.9
Tahoma HS "Open" Guard   -  scratched
Frankton HS Winter Guard ........ 83.9

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Results from WGI Scholastic OPEN Championship Semis

Scholastic OPEN Semi-Finals
Friday April 17 - 6:00 PM   Vandalia Butler High School

South Brunswick HS ......  92.35
Orange Park HS ..........  89.05
Pomona HS ...............  91.25
Northglenn HS ...........  89.80
Thousand Oaks HS ........  87.20
Ponderosa HS ............  84.80
Broken Arrow HS .........  84.15
Cicero-N. Syracuse HS ...  84.50
Frankton HS .............  81.15

Mission Viejo HS ........  93.55
Tarpon Springs HS .......  90.75
Chino HS ................  90.55
M. Stoneman Douglas HS ..  89.50
Woodbridge HS ...........  87.95
Ayala HS ................  85.90
Cooper City HS ..........  84.95
Haddon Heights HS .......  86.00
Kings HS ................  92.80
Braddock HS .............  90.45
Palm Desert HS ..........  89.40
Norwalk HS ..............  89.20
New Palestine HS ........  85.95
Chesterton HS ...........  83.35
Marion Catholic HS ......  86.10
Trumbull HS .............  85.00

4 Units from Each Round 
will Advance to Finals

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Results from WGI Independent WORLD CLASS Championship Pre-Lims

Independent World Class Prelims
Saturday - April 18 - 10:00 AM   University of Dayton Arena

Field of View ............ *86.50
Blessed Sacrament ........  89.05
Shadow Danse .............  82.50
Shaktai ..................  93.70
R2 Performance Ensemble ..  84.15
Just Class ...............  83.80
Fantasia .................  93.80
Bishop Kearney ...........  95.00
St. Ann's ................  91.35
Every-Body ...............  90.10
Les Eclipses .............  87.50

* revised score
San Jose Raiders .........  92.55
Emerald Marquis ..........  97.65
Alliance of Miami ........  87.70
Blue Devils ..............  97.25
Pride of Cincinnati ......  97.20
Chimeras .................  88.60
Adagio ...................  85.60
The Company ..............  89.55
Nuendo ...................  82.20
Avany Courir .............  78.65
Oracle ...................  80.85

16 units advance to finals

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Results from WGI Scholastic WORLD CLASS Championship Pre-Lims

Scholastic World Class Prelims
Friday - April 17 - 12:30 PM   University of Dayton Arena

Center Grove High School ....  91.30
Northview HS Winter Guard ...  90.95
Beyer HS World Guard ........  91.00
St. Augustine HS "Coast One"   85.75
Lassiter High School ........  85.40
McGavock HS Winter Guard ....  83.40
Clovis West High School .....  83.20
Indio High School ...........  86.25
James Logan High School .....  94.25
Tate High School "Chaparrals"  87.45
Valencia High School ........  86.45
Choctawhatchee HS Winter ....  87.25
Coconut Creek HS "Viray" ....  86.80
Miamisburg High School ......  94.15
Southport High School .......  83.55
Diamond Bar HS World Guard ..  85.00
Taravella HS "Genesis" ......  84.45
Centerville High School .....  79.80
Lawrence Central HS Winter ..  79.30
Mt. Carmel High School ......  78.85
Northmont High School .......  71.30
Mater Dei HS Winter Guard ...  76.70
Clovis High School ..........  76.85
North Penn HS Visual Ensemble  80.10
Lincoln-Way HS Winter Guard .  78.95
Lakeland HS "Epiphany" ......  71.65

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Results from WGI Percussion Championship Pre-Lims

Percussion Prelim Rounds
Friday April 17 - 8:00 AM   Nutter Center

Scholastic A Marching Class

Blue River Valley HS .......  78.05
Enterprise Valley HS .......  79.40
Mustang HS .................  74.55
Brunswick HS ...............  67.75
North Harrison HS ..........  83.50
Eastwood HS  ...............  71.60
Novi HS Winter .............  83.75
West Carrollton HS .........  78.25
Mason HS .........   -   scratched
Ayala HS  ..................  90.15

South Oldham  ..............  76.60
Hudsonville HS .............  81.60
Clinton HS .................  74.50
Grandville HS ..............  90.40
Chesaning Union HS .........  86.65
New Philadelphia HS ........  74.95
Greater Johnstown HS .......  69.75
Central Bucks West .........  71.50
Northwood HS ...............  69.15
Eaglecrest HS ..............  76.55
Johansen HS ................  93.05
Thomas Worthington HS ......  74.80
Carroll HS .................  72.50
Northside Christian   -  scratched

Scholastic Concert Class

Riverbank HS Concert Perc ..  84.35
Franklin Central HS ........  94.90
Tunstall HS Percussion .....  92.00
Harrison Central HS Paragon   89.30
Downers Grove South HS .....  86.00
Cookeville HS Percussion ...  86.35
John Overton HS Percussion .  86.95
Baldwinsville HS Percussion   82.80

Scholastic World
(top 9 go to finals)

Dartmouth HS ...............  97.00
Ponderosa HS ...............  96.40
Northglenn HS ..............  96.35
King Phillip HS ............  96.30
Bear Creek HS ..............  94.25
Mission Viejo HS ...........  92.95
John Overton HS ............  89.50
North Penn HS ..............  87.40
Houston HS .................  83.65
Cleveland HS ...............  83.35
Racori HS ..................  82.90
Bartlett HS ................  79.50
Scholastic Open Marching

Dobyns Bennett HS ..........  78.75
Cooper City HS .............  71.95
West Union HS ..............  67.35
Riverbank HS ...............  77.50
Marion Harding HS ..........  77.55
Concord HS .................  79.20
Spruce Creek HS ............  79.15
Francis Howell North .......  81.15
Amelia HS ..................  69.50
Powhatan HS ................  79.80
Danville HS ................  91.05
Cookeville HS ..............  82.80
St. Edward HS ..............  73.10

Arvada HS ..................  94.70
Centerville HS .............  88.75
Arapahoe HS ................  74.15
Fountain Valley HS .........  89.10
Escambia HS ................  79.15
Loara HS ...................  90.75
Roosevelt HS ...............  83.70
Beavercreek HS .............  84.60
Avon HS Marching ...........  90.65
Choctawhatchee HS ..........  83.35
Father Ryan HS .............  83.60
Tate HS ....................  84.65

Independent Concert Class

Patriots Percussion Ensemble  89.10

Independent Open 
(top 5 go to finals)
Freelancers ................  91.30
Virginia Helmsmen ..........  87.60
Patriots ...................  86.25
South Maine ................  83.00
Escape .....................  80.40
North Metro ................  78.95
Rythem, Inc. ...............  69.45
Masquerade .................  68.90
Spectrum ...................  67.95
Shoe-Me-Sound ..............  67.00

Independent World
(top 6 go to finals)
Music City Mystique ........  93.45
Blue Knights ...............  93.00
Capital Regiment ...........  91.45
Spirit Performing ..........  90.90
Carolina Thunder ...........  88.40
Black Knights ..............  86.70
Pariah .....................  82.55
Escape .....................  78.90

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