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My Class Cancelled!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 1:59 pm
by rayden
Man, I'm very sad yet upset coz my FLUTE ENSEMBLE had been CANCELLED!!! college had to cut some classes from the music program. Flute Ensemble gone........jazz band gone.......what else the entire program?! Curse that state budget of ours. What's worse, this is my last semester to be a part of the ensemble and I'm not coming back. I was hoping to leave with a bang!

---Proud Memeber of the MKF and WOP---

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 5:18 pm
by LovableSheep
That really sucks. I wouldn't like it at all if my jazz band got cancelled.

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 5:35 pm
by DJ-PsiLon
I feel for you. At UC Irvine we had the symphonic band, wind ensemble and the chamber winds cancelled. Except our situation deals with the music department on crack rather than money.

Oh well. Here we go again...

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 6:17 pm
by SithScorp
Thank the great man Mr. Davis himself...

If you think YOU have it bad, think about the poor kids in K-12 that will most likely get their entire PROGRAM cut. Because, you know there are lame-brained administrators out there that will sacrifice their own children before lifting a finger to cut athletics...

Heaven forbid a child learn to CREATE MUSIC rather than learn to smash into another person at full speed...

Last time I checked, there were only 11 kids playing at a time on each team for football, meanwhile all 120+ kids in band were ALL playing and participating...

But hey, we all know what happened the last time arts funding was cut in this and every other state... Will they ever learn?

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 6:56 pm
by rayden
I also found out that the community colleges/ cal-state universities r going to raise the tutition. Base on what my band director said, the next year and a half, the price is going to double.

U know, I would be really upset if the state decides to cancel the music program at any K-12 schools. That must be really bad that the arts is going to be gone. I never really like Davis nor Simon in the the elections. Still I voted for Davis......Why, I don't know........maybe coz I'm a democrat.

---Proud Memeber of the MKF and WOP---

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 7:05 pm
by SithScorp
Actually, the decision to cut back on the MS and HS programs begins with the principals, and then goes up into the school boards...

The ones that the boards cut directly are the elementary programs.

Still, it is going to be real scary if they get cut back any more than they already are...

But, the athletic programs won't be cut. Just watch...

Also, tuition isn't too high until you are paying $900 a unit. Consider what you are going to be able to do once you complete your education...

Some of us po' folks still do pay that $900 a unit for some nutty reason though...

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 4:04 pm
by LovableSheep
Luckily the closest they've gotten to getting rid of band at my high school is removing a couple of English classes.