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SCSBOA Parade Day!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:05 pm
by dmcoach
Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association (SCSBOA) will be hosting a free drum major clinic on Saturday, September 8th at Riverside King High School. This is a free clinic focused on preparing drum majors for the upcoming band review and parade seasons. We will be covering details from the drum major judges' sheet, teaching event flow, best way to approach routine construction, leadership expectations for competition, as well as providing quality spinning instruction for all skill levels. A light meal will be provided for students.

This clinic is open to all chosen drum majors from all marching band programs K-12, and for trainees that have yet to audition for those positions.

Please bring the following:

- Notebook or folder and a pen for taking notes
- Mace/ Military
- Whistle

Please wear:
- Band shirt for representation
- Comfortable pants/ shorts (weather tends to be warm)
- Hat/ sunglasses

When: September 8th, time to be announced soon

Where: Riverside King HS
9301 Wood Road
Riverside, CA 92508

Cost: FREE

Please spread the word, and we look forward to seeing you there!