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Judging De Mystified

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:18 pm
I was looking at the Texas Yellow Board and found out that the Texas Music Adjudicators Association has on on-line course for people wanting to know how Bands are judged in Texas. The Web site is :

This on line course is to allow persons interested in how Bands are judged an overview of the judging program in TX. There is a $25 course and the program can be taken over a 4 week period. It is open to Directors, Parents, persons involved in Bands who want to know more. Upon completion a certificate is given. The Course takes approximately two hours to complete.

I have not seen this type of program done before, and while I cannot make any recommendation since I have not started the course, however I think this is a first for a judging association. They are also offering other programs on line for Guard, Percussion Etc. I think they are trying to educate the public about what to look for when a Band is in competition.